If you had a chance to guarantee a steady paycheck for the rest of your life without working, would you take it? That’s the concept behind annuities. You get paid according to a schedule of your choice and then use the funds for whatever you need. However, annuities are more than just payments – they have other underrated qualities as well.

You Can’t Lose

Annuities protect you from losses. You’ll get your initial investment back no matter what. It’s not like certain insurance policies where you pay in every month, only to outlive your policy and get nothing in return. With annuities, you’ll get what you paid for.

Annuities Are Flexible

There’s more than one type of annuity to choose from. You can get a fixed annuity, or you can get a fixed-indexed annuity, depending on risk tolerance.

Fixed annuities are predictable and guarantee your investment security. This type of annuity is for the conservative and risk-averse.

Fixed-indexed has an element of unpredictability because the savings build according to market conditions. You’ll have a portfolio of stocks and receive variable payments according to that portfolio’s performance. However, you’re protected from losses, which mitigates the risk of investing.

Annuities Benefit Those Around You

Annuities have options where you can pass them along to surviving loved ones. One example of this is the joint and survivor benefits. With joint and survivor benefits, your spouse will receive your annuities if you were to pass away.

You’re also able to attach a death benefit rider where you can name beneficiaries so that in the event of your passing, they will receive your annuities. Another benefit of this is that naming beneficiaries keeps your loved ones from going through probate.

No Fear Of Outliving Retirement

In an age where pensions are becoming increasingly rare, and the only retirement income consists of money saved over a lifetime, it’s a scary thought that your savings may dwindle to nothing. At this stage of your life, you’ve worked tirelessly to afford this lifestyle over the course of decades. Outliving retirement can rob you of enjoying your final years.

However, annuities are lifelong and allow you to enjoy all the moments you have left. There’s no lurking subconscious fear that you won’t be able to afford to live because you have a steady, reliable income stream.

If you purchase an annuity now, you will thank yourself later.

We Can Help You Plan For Your Future

At Game Changing Benefits, we want you to be able to retire with peace of mind. You and your loved ones will benefit from a decision you can make right now. The future is slowly approaching. Ensure your guaranteed payments today by calling us at 972-331-1060, so we can help you compare your annuity options.